Friday, December 14, 2007
On the eleventh day before Christmas,
Life is obsessed by building work. I am sitting on the floor propped against the piano, because we recycled the sofa to give us more room to decorate in early. That should tell you everything that you could possibly need to know.
The good news, if you can call it that, is that I am finally out of my knitting slump and knitting again. Yes, I have my needles in my hand and half a cardigan on them and maybe, just maybe, life is going to be OK. Cross fingers?
Five more builder days till Xmas. We can do this.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Forgiveness stinks sometimes
We are a family of 5.8, who live with and care for my ailing father-in-law, who is currently pretty poorly and might need a hospital visit sometime soon. You know that fraction? Yeah. I'm pregnant. Pretty heavily pregnant, I haven't just been eating too much chocolate. My hip joints are in three counties and walking hurts (a lot), my 7yo still has asthma and could need an occasional trip to hospital to sort him out, and having a car makes our life a heck of a lot easier. Oh, and the seven seats ain't just vanity either, we aren't just trying to trash the environment. We work pretty hard on living as green as we can and I wouldn't drive a big gas-guzzling MPV if I didn't need an extra seat to put the baby in once he's earthside.
That tyre you punctured last night? Well, the money that my husband is spending RIGHT NOW THIS MINUTE fixing the damage that you have done could have bought our daughter this . And instead, thanks to you, we're going to have to buy the blooming Dora one. So you know what?
Karma is real. At some point when you least expect it, you're getting your comeuppance. But right now, waiting for karma to kick in and sort your horrid ass out, patience is the hardest thing I've ever done.
On the bright side, yesterday the kids and I started the Xmas crafting, and pictures will be following shortly.
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Work in progress
Toddler cloche and scarf.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
A lonely hedgehog
Monday, November 12, 2007
Hedgehogs and snouts
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Pay it Forward
Inspired by this: I want to join in, and share the stitching love. My family has had a lot of generosity over the years and I want to send some out there to the rest of the universe.
To participate, please leave me a note in the comments, and I'll craft something especially for you, the first three (only three?) respondents and post it out within the next 6 months. It could be knitted, might be sewn, might be some beautiful handspun. Depends who it's going to, if you see what I mean? Also, if you can, please consider doing the same yourself. I know a lot of knitters give a lot to charity, but this isn't charity. It isn't because there exists a need, or a void to be filled. It's because you'll make someone smile, and make the world a better place.
Monday, November 05, 2007
Found her!
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Friday, November 02, 2007
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Shonaidh, I can't contact you, I'm a crap, weak, useless person who has lost your email address and it isn't in your profile. My mobile number hasn't changed, or I'm at h.(mysurname) - Obviously, take the brackets out and put my surname in.
And to everyone else, the said Shonaidh is the one person who can make the horror of the school run bearable. AND she's the worlds best fifth columnist at changing corrupt school systems from the inside. And I miss her, and I'm a crap friend.
Still here, still knitting
Thursday, October 25, 2007
One FO, and a work in progress...
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
In other news, my camera fizzed and died, and there didn't seem to be any point in having a blog without pictures. I have a new camera. It's new, and shiny, and lovely, and has a trillion terrifying features, and I have no idea how to take the pictures off it. But I will do. I'll learn.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Can't be bothered...
This pregnancy is seriously kicking my ass. I got knocked over by a pushbike last week, and that just finished off my already dubious pelvic ring. The good news is that the symphsis pubis dysfunction has NOT reoccured, all the pain is in the back- which makes it both more manageable and treatable. My back muscles are strong enough that this is happening (although my bottom muscles, apparently are weak and flabby. Tell me something new, OK?) I need to sleep, DD is giving up naps, and generally it's just all going a bit wrong. And if I hear the word cake, coke or cheese again, I may have to scream, strip naked, and run up and down the M4 until they come and lock me away somewhere QUIET until I finish gestating.
Last week was my daughter Rowan's eighth anniversay, and this week is pregnancy and birth loss awareness week. We sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Star for all the missing brothers and sisters and sons and daughters. It was nice.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Newborn longies
Saturday, September 22, 2007
One finger one thumb
Monday, September 17, 2007
10 rows a night
My gauge is off. The swatch was right, the cardigan itself is freakily, scarily off. Because the row gauge is worse than the stitch gauge, though, and it's Peace Fleece I reckon I can stick it through the washing machine on a 40 degree wash (maybe even live dangerously and go to 60) and it'll come out wearable. If not, I'll felt it properly and give it to my mother (she of the 34 inch chest. )
And yes, I have now hit the point where I have to make myself do 10 rows a day before I can do something more interesting. I'm sure it'll be lovely when it's finished, though.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Dying? Or overdyeing?
This started life as an extremely ugly skein of yellow nettledyed BFL, but I got the dyes out and played. Oh, how I played! There's some black in there, and some red (to create brown, you understand) and then I did the whole thing in blue, and I love it. I absolutely love it.
It's destined to be the cowgirl slipper socks from last autumns IWK for a swap package, but as I know she isn't a knitter I think the chances of her reading my blog are somewhat remote... (I also know that she isn't sending to me. I'm organising the swap.) Unfortunately, I can't find my dpns in the right size, so I think I'm just going to have to keep plodding on with the circle jacket. I have the first arm finished now, so I'm nearly up to the interesting increases.
And in other news, I LOVE the new knitty. So many things to knit, so many of them for me :) What more can a girl ask for?
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Natural cleaning....
In some ways, I'm doing good. We haven't used the tumble dryer at all in over a month, all the lights in the house have low-energy bulbs and we're using green washing up liquid all the time and as many commercially produced "green" cleansers as possible. OTOH, ecover does NOT get the boys crap off their clothes, and I either need to get more proactive with stains or handle the idea of dirty clothes. And I've tossed a LOT of clothes this week for no other reason than staining :(
So, this afternoon I whipped up a batch of cleanser from a recipe loosely based on one given in the guardian:
8 tablespoons sodium bicarbonate
4 teaspoons of vinegar
Juice of half a lemon
And I added four drops of cherry plum flower essence, given that me and cleaning have issues at the best of times.
And you know what? It worked. The bathroom sink looks beautiful, the bath is pretty good and the cooker hob is clean (and oiled) too. I feel really, really, really proud.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Put the sheep poo down...
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Skirt or sack?
Mummy, is that a skirt or a sack?
Grrr. It is, of course, the back of the sunrise circle jacket from Interweave Knits, and available free from their website. And being both fat and pregnant, it's a big knit. LOTS of knitting. So that was 5 days work, and there's two sleeves and two front bits still to go.
The good news is that we seem to be in the middle of a heatwave, so hopefully I won't need warm woolly jumpers yet. And the yarn, predictably, is Peace Fleece, because I couldn't have afforded to knit it any other way.
2.25 skeins in, and the back down. I have 8, and I'm just hoping I don't run out. I bought enough yarn for Arwen (also by Kate Gilbert. Shorter, with a hood) and changed my mind on the pattern last minute. It has to be said, though, this cardigan is going to be HUGE.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Awesomely autumnal socks.
Labour of love
These pictures are here primarily for blackmail purpose. I wasted 6 hours of my life on tidying my sons' bedrooms, throwing away large quantities of lost/ broken and disassembled toys, and I swear, I have never felt quite so awful in all my life. These pictures are here as the before shot, because if that room EVER goes back to the way it looked before, I am posting the after shots on the internet and giving all their family members my blog address. AND inviting Kim and Aggie around for tea. Non-coercive parenting is one thing, but living in a hovel is another.
On the bright side, our central heating gets fitted on Tuesday, so I get lots of lovely hot water and all the deep and soothing baths in the world :) It seems a fair trade-off for that much work.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Baby Surprise Jacket
Friday, July 20, 2007
Rainy day

Monday, July 16, 2007
Works in progress
Monday, June 25, 2007
The last six months...

Sunday, January 28, 2007
In the immortal words of Granny Weatherwax...
Not yet, anyhow. The reason I haven't updated in such a long time is because my computer has been foul, and naughty, and I haven't been able to log on to blogger since Christmas.
There are other reasons too: being the account of one of them. We have a new bean due in September (or October, or knowing me, possibly even November) and so a new person to knit for and spin for and stuff. Right now, I'm just about at the stage where I can face the idea of knitting again.
Lots of pictures to come: the first yarns I spun on the wheel, including one jar-dyed merino that has been sent off to Kentucky as part of the mystery skein swap. A calorimetry, and pictures of my mother wearing Samus. She loves it, by the way, which is always a good thing to happen when you have just spent six months of your life knitting continuously on the same garment.
And, one bit of sad news. My adorable, beloved husband killed my spindle by dropping a heavy box of books on it. Can we say, ker-snap? Oh dear.