This year's buzz word seems to be "mindful knitting." Well, this is square one of mindLESS knitting- where with little or no view to completion of a project, I am going to slowly and gently work short rows, a square at a time, a stripe at a time. I am going to surrender to being unable to control the colour blends and live with my many mistakes. Not all of these are in my life- some are even in my knitting- forgetting to change colour here, a really fugly decrease at the end of a short row there, it all adds up. And you know what? I could care more right now.
This is February's square, btw. It has the colours of the early cherry blossom and tree bark, and it's quite a dull, dreary colourway of Kureyon. (161, in case you were wondering.)
I'm hoping to knit myself out of the doldrums and into one of the bright zingy shades of kureyon before the year is out, but we'll see. It might take longer.
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