The bad news is that whilst my camera was at Wonderwool with me, I got so stressed out and generally overwrought that I didn't actually manage to take a single photograph whilst I was there. It was one of our typical family days out- aiming to be out of the house at 7am, we actually left at 8.45 with my lovely husband waffling on about housework, one boy vomiting copiously in the car whilst the other wailed "I'm HUUUUNNNNNNNNNGRY", we got stuck behind a red fiesta stuck behind a lorry driving through the welsh mountains at 25 miles an hour- oh boy, it was fun. Really.
The fluffy stuff was lovely- I have a huge stash of roving now, including some beautiful cochineal-dyed roving from Andy at www.bluefaced.com and some extraordinarily wonderful yarn and fibre from Freyalyn.
Silk and roving from Fiery Felts and some raw alpaca from a beautiful beast named Butterfly. There's also the niddy-noddy, a few more bobbins and an inch gauge. It was a good day- and oddly, nowhere near as expensive as I was expecting.