Square two of the Lizard, and it has to be said, my short rows are looking a hell of a lot tidier. Strangely, it's turning out to be more of an emotional journey than I was expecting just because colour is so evocative- the blue reminds me so much of Susannah, my companion through university and early adulthood, survivor of many longwinded rants about my ex and witness to my last bout of PND. And the green? Well, not only is it exactly the same shade as the chicobag that Indigo sent me yesterday, it's also the same shade as Kermit the frog and my favourite crayon- the one you draw grass with when you're drawing happy-ever-after houses (which always have an obscene number of dogs and chickens and children.) I haven't got the chickens yet, but it's a matter of time.
In other news, am I the only person in humanity who is outraged that Tesco, the alleged great exploiter of the British farmer, is stocking Fair Trade clothing? Oh, the irony.
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