The move is over. We have a new home on the other side of the country (Wiltshire, if you're curious. On a direct line between the Uffington White Horse and Avebury) and don't even talk about the unpacking. BUT, because we're here and moved, I was allowed to get my knitting needles out.
First came the spinning: a little black shetland, which is mostly finished and just needs plying. Somehow, something about the permanence of spindling appealed, because no matter how much you mess it up, you can't go back and nips (spin backwards.) It just doesn't work like that.
Then came the cardigan- which has been in the waiting-to-knit pile for months now. It feels really good seeing it come together, and though I think there's a few errors in the pattern I love the way it's coming together (the pattern is Dolly from Jaeger 29, if you're interested.)
Skye's socks were finished, and are beautiful. They are also too big, but as they were knitted as welly socks, it'll be a while before she needs them.
And finally, we present for your delectation: how to make a child eat salad. Sit them at a table with a little gem and a tub of hummus, and see what they come up with (notice the complete lack of lettuce. He ate 4 that day- something he's never ever done before, and his brother ate 3.) Yep, more bally Daleks- it's verging on obsession.
And yes, true to form, Isaac requested the Doctor Who playset for his birthday, and received it, complete with a handful of figures. It's big, awkward, takes up too much floor space, doesn't dismantle easily, makes a horrid noise with flashing lights and he loves it. Gah.(So does Skye- she keeps trying to eat David Tennant.)