Yesterday,my boys (plus one, we had friends for dinner) made me the worlds gooiest chocolate pudding. What's not to like? Apart from the fact that they left me the washing up, bless them.
The new Knitty is up, and in it is an article on how to make coiled singles which is something I've been wanting to figure out for a while. I suspect making coiled singles with a drop spindle is going to be a PITA, but hey, no harm in trying ;)This makes me especially happy because I was planning on buying a back issue of Spin-Off to learn this technique alone, and now I don't have to.
Another thing that makes me happy is that the dastardly sock is almost finished- in fact, it's on to the ribbing. We're away for the next couple of days, so I should get lots and lots of in-car knitting time in.
I got my package from the peace fleece co-op, in what's probably the fastest postage time ever from the US. By some strange coincidence, the dye lots match the stuff in my stash, so mum's cardigan (Samus) should be absolutely perfect. I have a couple of projects waiting in the wings, and can't decide which one to start with.
And finally: we're definitely moving. Steve handed his notice in yesterday, so we're off to Swindon in around a month's time. Mortgage free living, new life, fresh start-it terrifies me. Thank god for knitting.
Oh, and the picture is of my spindle. My mission for next week is to make a couple of CD spindles- one for plying, one for Alex.
I haven't even dyed my roving yet! I did dye a test piece to check colours. Yep, felted it. I trying to spin it so I can further test the colors. It's Merino Tencel. I have such a hard time dyeing Merino without felting it. I do think it was fine until I rinse too vigorously. What is the fiber you used for that gorgeous pastel? You're sure doing a nice job on it. I can't seem to do anything other than really thin. I really don't want to make four plies just get a worsted weight!
(BTW, I'm American. That u in color is just for you!)
That's falkland fibre, but I love it. This is the second lot I've spun up, and it feels much softer than merino to the touch.
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