I can't believe it's finished- and blocked (badly) and just needs the zip applied. But, in truth, it is so. Thank Maude. I'm just hoping and praying that it fits my (absolutely minute) mother when she opens it on Christmas, because otherwise I'm going to cry.
Ideally, she'd like it as well. But as this is the woman who made me wear jumpers made from carpet wool as a child, and knitted me a stripy horse blanket not so many years ago, I'll live with the consequences if she doesn't. I know she'll appreciate the work and effort, even if she never wears it.
Oh, the sleeve does sit straight, I just accidentally bunched it up for the photograph.
It's beautiful -- I'm sure she'll love it.
wow, it's absolutely perfect!
Gorgeous, great work!
Oooo... I wish I was your mom!
WOW... I love it. Is that a Knitty pattern??
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